And I made such a big post, just for watching anime at a cinema... Not such a fan of Eva, I wanted to watch Harry Potter actually. But Eva seems to come first. And anime being my first movie to watch in Japan... Didn't regret it at all. It was such a great movie. Or is it because I watched in on theatre? But still. I couldn't understand some of the dialogs. And probably even with English subtitle I still couldn't understand some parts of Eva. But it was so moving, I guess.
Some differences with cinemas I've been before. Watched the movie at
Ema. It was an interesting cinema. I think all of the cinemas I know has entrance doors on the same level. But this one is different. The first floor is the lobby. Then there's an (one) entrance to go to the theaters above, through a (one) very narrow escalator. So 10 min before the scheduled time, people queue in front of the entrance and go up. Really sorry for the very blurry picture.

The theater I watched was number 1, so I didn't get to know other theaters, but others are at the upper floors. Interesting. And while queueing, I saw a girl dressing up as Hermione (a gaijin), almost look like one. The ticket is checked at the theater's door, so you can't go in wrongly, I guess, not like in Aussie.

The interior was, unexpectedly... normal, a bit disappointed actually. Aussie's big chair is much nicer. And the air conditioner wasn't that cold too, more like a bit warm. But I won't complain much since I only paid for 1000 yen, around 500 yen cheaper than normal? Because it's a lady's days every wednesday.
On the scheduled time, they played trailers for upcoming movies. One Piece seems interesting. And the closer one, Summer Wars. Must watch that one. Then the movie starts. Amazingly, everyone follows the cute warning movie, no speaking. It was so quiet, except for some almost inaudible giggle at several moments. And when the credit comes up, I was surprised that no one is getting up o___o;;; Normally, when the credit comes up, the lights would turn on and people would start leaving. But no one left the theater until the credit finished. And so, after the credit there's the "on next episode" "service, service" thing. Then after that everyone left. Seriously, I was surprised with the quietness.
At the lobby, there's also a place where they sell harry potter / eva goods, but didn't get to see it closer. And was wondering about these movie pamphlets. Will look at it when I watch Harry Potter. I suppose the cinema food is as expensive as Aussie? I'm not sure. But there was also a vending machine, which has, of course, higher price than normal.

Then we went to Loft. Such an amazing building. It has lots of cute and stuff, from chairs, yukata, those useless toys, cute stationery... And we had pasta there.

This summer special pasta taste different than normal pasta. Quite okay. But the tomato garlic pasta tastes better. I guess I still love tomato pasta nonetheless.

Then, they have service of getting free tea/coffee after the meal. WOW. Then I was somehow confused about the milk. Thought I have to pay more or something. But I think she's saying it differently... orz Anyway, got my milk and coffee. It was so good as well. Very satisfied. I must pay back my senpai in the future somehow... She's so kind and paid for my meal. I feel bad for not using formal Japanese, but I can't help myself.
Actually, I'm always confused when the kouhai (juniors) speaks in formal japanese, and the senpai (seniors) speak in non formal japanese. I'd definitely get influenced to use non formal to answer the senpai. Unless, of course, they're teachers.
Oh well. Such a good day, so I'd better study more dilligently ;_;