Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Run & Walk (KDDI AU)

One feature that I find interesting when browsing for mobile phones was this one. It's like iPod x Nike thing, I guess. Monitoring where you run and measure the distance through GPS. I doesn't seem that good, I seem to be going through buildings... =_=; But not bad. I almost got lost this morning. It was raining and I didn't feel like checking the map. Haha...

You can check your jogging (or cycling, if you pay monthly fee) from the phone or from PC. From the PC website, you can replay your running track. It's fun to see. Actually, I decided to run because I got this feature on my phone =d I forgot to take the pics from the phone. Will add them later.

And luckily, I found a really nice pair of shoes. Puma. Original price was 8800yen. I got it for 3990. I really like it XD

There's another feature that uses GPS that I find cool. Will blog it when I use it again next time. It's not like all of the features are only available in Japan, but still, my phone was much less hi-tech than this, hehe.