Next thing after getting a bank account, is to get a mobile phone. After visiting Docomo shop and AU shop (didn't see a phone I like from Softbank except iPhone and they're expensive), decided to go for the free phone from AU. So I visited the shop the next afternoon after I got my bank account.

It was quite a pleasant experience. Everything Japanese and contracts and plan explanations... I only need to bring passport, bank book, alien registration proof and money. I chose Sony Ericsson's RE since it's the most advanced phone out of the free ones. To get it free, what I had to do was to enroll in extra services. So I had to pay for an extra of 5000 yen ish. I couldn't understand the detail fully, but sort of 2500 extra for 2 months. It seems reasonable, so I took it. It still costs less than 10,000yen, and it has GPS, 1seg, Osaifu Keitai, which are what I want.

So the lady there explained it to me one by one. One of the services I had to apply was either a manga/music shop or a credit card. I thought it wouldn't be too bad to get a Japanese credit card. So I chose the free credit card. But apparently I couldn't have one since I haven't got my actual alien card. But... if I actually got my card already, seems like it's so easy to get a credit card here... o_o;; I can cancel those extra services next week.

I was there for more than an hour I guess. It does take time. I only have to paid 945 yen for the AC adaptor. Weirdly, they sell adaptors separately. All AU phones have same adaptor I guess...? My bill will then be deducted from my bank account. But I will need to pay the first 1-2 months from konbini since it takes time to process. Oh, you can choose your last 4 digits by paying an extra 300yen. Nice! And off I go home with my new phone and some little bonuses from the shop. That blue thing is an odor cleaner? The mickey is a phone sticker? And not sure what's in the orange box.
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